
Do you know? - You have 3 passwords for your Facebook Account

Hello geeks!

Finally, I have got an ever interesting stuff to get shared with my fellow members. And its about Facebook and its log in. 

One Mad Geek

              You know what? Your Facebook account has 3 passwords. Don't get shocked. Well I am here to explain. What will you do to log into your Facebook account? You will type your mail id (or) your phone number and then enter your password. Am I right?

              But do you that you can log into your account with three passwords. Actually this is working. The three passwords that are permitted by Facebook includes your own password and the other two are something that you will wonder about.

              Consider that your password is abc123pass. This is the password that you have set to your account. Then there are two more passwords for your account.

One Mad Geek

Three passwords:

1. Your own password that you have created by yourself.
2. Your own password with all the alphabets with the inverted case, rather than its original.
3. Your own password with only the first letter capitalized. (only for the mobile devices)

eg:  Original Password                                   Allowed Password

1.     abCDpassbIN                                               ABcdPASSBin
2.     abcbinpasss                                                 Abcbinpasss (Only for mobile devices )
3.     AbCdEfGh                                                    aBcDeFgH

According to Facebook:
We accept three forms of the user’s password to help overcome the most common reasons that authentic logins are rejected. In addition to the original password, we also accept the password if a user inadvertently has caps lock enabled or their mobile device automatically capitalizes the first character of the password.
Thanks for reading.. Keep sharing...

Search Terms : Passwords for facebook, facebook passwords, hoe many passwords are there for fb, fb password, 

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