How to create a YouTube Channel
To popularize your blog or a website, it is purely recommended to have a channel in YouTube and update your contents in the form of videos. Not only that, YouTube provides an easiest way to get the AdSense.
Hey friends!
YouTube is a video sharing website. It plays a vital role in the development of technology. Know what? Even Facebook can't come closer to the record of YouTube when meant in terms of videos.
To popularize your blog or a website, it is purely recommended to have a channel in YouTube and update your contents in the form of videos. Not only that, YouTube provides an easiest way to get the AdSense.
1. Login to your G-mail account.
2. Click on the Google apps icon to the right corner of your page and select YouTube from the listings.
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3. Click on sign in in the right corner.
4. Go to My Channels in the left tab or go to Create channel
5. Now fill the name of your channel in the field provided and click create channel button.
Note: Its recommended to use the same names for your blog, YouTube channel and your website.
example : - blog
onemadgeek - YouTube channel - website
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Incoming search terms: How to create a YouTube Channel, YouTube Channel, YouTube, YouTube Adsense, YouTube approval, How to get AdSense for YouTube Account, YouTube AdSense approval.