Introducing Animal Sounds in Google - A new turn
Aww!! GOOGLE :* How sweet of You?? When I was in a deep thought for a new post in OMG, the Introducing Animal Sounds in - A new turn has made my way. Yup, our most favorite search engine - the Google has made a new way with the introduction of Animal sounds in Google.
Introducing Animal Sounds in Google - A new turn
Aww!! GOOGLE :* How sweet of You?? When I was in a deep thought for a new post in OMG, the Introducing Animal Sounds in - A new turn has made my way. Yup, our most favorite search engine - the Google has made a new turn with the introduction of Animal sounds in Google.
Wanna try it??
Steps to check out the animal sounds in Google
1. Go to Google search.
2. Type Animal Sounds.
3. Have fun :P
List of Animal sounds provided by Google Search
The list includes the sounds of 19 animals as : tiger, lion, elephant, zebra, ape, sheep, duck, rooster, turkey, owl, cat, pig, cow, dog, moose, raccoon, horse, humpback whale, bowhead whale.
Duck - Quack
Cat - Meow
Owl - hoo hoo
Horse - Neigh
Rooster - Cock-a-doodle-doo
Tiger - Grrr
Turkey - Gobble gobble
Lion - Roar
Dog - Woof
As mentioned in a blog, the sounds of animals were included by Google with the help of MP3 files that contain animal sounds.
Google uses MP3 files like cat.mp3 for playing animal sounds, so they work in almost any modern browser that supports HTML5 audio. For some reason, turtles are no longer available in the card, but you can still find the MP3 file: turtle.mp3.
Awww... Lovely isn't?? Here on it would be easy for teaching the babies with these sounds.
Come on we will now play with the Google's Animal Sounds. My favorite is Lion - Roarrrrrrrrr..
I will be loving to know your favorite too. If possible make it via comments. Thanks for reading.. Keep sharing...
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